To prevent errors or omissions, potential lawsuits, economic sanctions, and exhaustive audits, and to save time and resources, we share key insights on tax compliance. Hearing about legal obligations might spark endless concerns and doubts. Therefore, when discussing...
Greater supply, high demand from those choosing the country to explore its most emblematic sites or those wishing to explore new non-urban areas, and affordability of prices. Three attributes that guarantee the success of investing in these lodging platforms. Year-end...
Public sector, tenders, and technology: key players in public procurement Undoubtedly, technology is an integral part of everyone’s life and society at large. It’s unthinkable to imagine any space or activity where technology isn’t present, and the...
How the release of her autobiographical book, ‘The woman in me,’ brought back memories of the years she spent under her father’s legal conservatorship and reignited controversy regarding her situation and the management of her estate in the past. A...
Received this award within the framework of the National Congress of Business Excellence for good practices, continuous improvements, and evolution in organizational performance. On November 24th, the Chamber of Industry of Costa Rica (CICR) celebrated the XXVI...