Costa Rica is globally renowned for its unparalleled biodiversity. This natural richness is not only invaluable from an aesthetic and recreational perspective but also crucial for sustaining life. The Costa Rican government has implemented various policies and...
The new Regulation of the Transparency and Ultimate Beneficiary Registry published last Friday, March 8th, has undoubtedly sparked a flurry of inquiries, complaints, and legal offices have been pondering how to proceed with the declaration for this 2024....
What is the process like, what is the validity and when must the renewal be carried out. All the information you need to know in the following article.When talking about trademark registration, both commercial and service trademarks, one of the most frequently asked...
In this article we tell you the difference between these three legal concepts. Their importance lies in the fact that they refer to different immigration statuses, which entail different foreign rights in the country. Although at first glance they seem to be...
It is a key instrument for the operation and success of the company. It allows you to avoid risks that can cause everything from legal sanctions to financial fines. In the following article we tell you more about its relevance. In the business field, it is essential...
A path characterized by achievements, obstacles and learning. A journey based on growth and the constant commitment to teamwork to achieve the highest standards. Time for joy, gratitude and looking to the future for continuous improvement and to continue writing our...