From being practically an uninhabited and difficult-to-access location to transforming, in just a few decades, into a dreamy and prosperous destination thanks to tourism and foreign investment. The success story of Jacó could be summarized from its past as a forgotten...
Five fundamental recommendations when joining commercial actions to avoid claims and litigation. Who hasn’t been tempted by the offers in advertisements that mobilize all the senses? A bombardment of well-thought-out images with their play of colors, textures,...
What is a merger or acquisition of companies and why are they carried out? Mergers and acquisitions are part of a business strategy in which two or more companies join together as one entity to grow, gain competitiveness in the market, and strengthen themselves. A...
A franchise is a business model that has gained prominence in Costa Rica in recent years and can be utilized by small, large, or medium-sized entrepreneurs. Through franchising, the owner of a brand, service, or business, referred to as the franchisor, grants another...
The Corporation (Sociedad Anónima or S.A.) and the Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada or S.R.L. or LTDA.) are the most commonly used business entities in Costa Rica for investment or engaging in commercial activities. The Corporation...